Lots of people ask about htimsmith and what is it, how do you say it?
Quite simply - its my name, Tim Smith with an H in front, which creates a palindrome - h tim s mit h.
So what does the H stand for? Again, quite simply, it’s Honorable, Honest, Human.
My story begins here…
Born Timothy J. Smith Jr. in November of the year of the Dragon bicentennial, 1976 - son of a baker, grandson of a butcher; built with a genetic predisposition toward gustatory pleasure - a kid made out of light, love and little bits of extraterrestrial dust. I’ve always felt as if there was something larger within me, but I was too afraid to go and find it. My story is a long story, but as we journey together, we will learn together.
I have struggled with alcoholism for the past 27 years, since I was about 20 and took my first drink and I decided at the age of 46 that I had had enough. I did all of the things you hear about on and because of alcohol: injuries on multiple occasions involving stitches and trips to the ER, Aggravated DWI (BAC .32), debt, relationship issues, self-doubt and unworthiness, laziness, low self-esteem, depression - the list goes on - not a single positive note. I was not dependent on it like some, thankfully, but I was habitual and it’s what I did with family and friends forever - alcohol was my other half, I thought it made me whole. As it turns, out I realized I was pouring Spirit into the wrong container.
Jan 1, 2023 - that day I took back my light and walked out of the darkness - the beginning of good ole Dry January, a fresh start at a new year - my wife and I decided to give it a go, and in the back of my mind I knew that I had to leave alcohol behind, but I also knew it wasn’t going to be easy to take half of myself, my personality, back from years of alcohol abuse. But, unlike many, I had lots of encouragement from friends and family. For me, it was time - I had to find the part of my soul I left behind back in my 20s and reconnect with it - whatever “it” was - and now I know, “it” was Spirit, “it” was my higher self.
Back in 1997 - pre wet brain/alcoholism I wrote a poem called Vision of Existence (find it here on our blog) - I was sitting in the computer lab at Hudson Valley Community College, procrastinating as one does. I’d always been a deep thinker but that day, looking back now, something inside of me began to activate. I know now that it was Spirit - it was consciousness itself speaking through me. At the time I didn’t understand how profound my words were, and I didn’t understand where they came from but I felt they had power, there was something there worth exploring - but I chose to walk down another path - and head to the party - for the next 27 years.
I’m happy to say that I’ve emerged from that cocoon a better person and will never look back on that path again. I have never been happier, healthier, or more excited to be connected to my higher self in a way that will help me share my story and the gift of living life in communion with source, and the infinite consciousness & intelligence that literally surrounds us at every moment.
I want to help you experience the freedom of positive transformation - one moment at a time - please send me an email, or find us on Social Media @htimsmith
Cheers and keep it pointed at infinity.
-H Tim
"You can be anyone this time around; you can do anything this time around" - Dr. Timothy Leary
“There is nothing that is not now.” - Eckhart Tolle